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Dong Dang Formation
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Dong Dang Fm base reconstruction

Dong Dang Fm


Age Interval: 
Changhsingian, (P3 dd) (2, 3, 4)

Viet Bac, East Bac Bo

Type Locality and Naming

Holostratotype: Ban Long Section lying along former Highway 1, 2 to 5 km from Lang Son City, Cao Loc District, Lang Son Province (N= 21°50'; E= 106°54'). Hypostratotype: Ba Xa Section, along the track crossing the Phia En (Khua Thum) Village, Van Quan District, Lang Son Province (N= 21° 48'; E= 106° 37'). In the holostratotype the formation is not completely exposed, while it is fully exposed in the Ba Xa section, so the last has been proposed as the hypostratotype pf the Dong Dang Formation. The Dong Dang Formation was established by Phan Cu Tien (1978) based on the bauxite bearing Dong Dang Beds and the beds bearing Palaeofusulina described by Nguyen van Liem (1966).

Synonym: -Tang chua bauxit Dong Dang: Nguyen V5n Liem 1966 (P2). -Di4p Ddng Ddng: Phan C\r Tien 1978; Nguydn VSn Liem 1985 (H〇 tang); Le Hung, Tong Duy Thanh el al. 1987 (P2); Nguyln Van Liem, Le Hung (in Duong XuSn Hao et al 1980 - Hq tSng P2); Vu Khuc, Bui Phu My et al. 1990 (P); Tong Duy Thanh, Nguyen Due Khoa (in Vu Khuc et al. - H〇 tang) 2000. Calcaires noirs de Lang Nac a Palaeofusulina prtsca: Dcprat J. 1913 (Dinanticn). Roche ferrugineuse de massif Ourah - Permlen: Bourrct R. 1922, Laterites anciennes (part.): Patte E. 1927 Facies schisfo-greseux terminal du Permien: PaUe E. 1927. Kazanien infetieur superieur (part,): Saurin E. 1956. Tdng siiic luc nguyen Permi&dai Song Hiem: Dov\ikov A.E, et ai 1965, 1972. -Tang Palaeofusulina: Nguyen Van Liem 1966, 1978. -Tdng than Pho Bang: L6 Hung 1971 (P2). -Tang Bauxite Tap Nd: Nguyen Tudn Anh 1971, 1974 (P2). Tang Nhi Tdo (p^rt.): Ph^m Dinh Long 1976 (P2). H4 Permi thong thu<?ng: Doan Thyy 1976; Lc Himg (in Trin Van Trj et a!.) 1977. Non Di$p Ddng Dang a Mien Dong Bac Bac Bq: Lc Hung (in Vu Khuc, Bui Phu My et al. 1990) (P) (= tang B5i Chay).

Lithology and Thickness

Clayey limestone with basal bauxite: There are two types of sections. The Ba Xa section with a total thickness of 110-120 m was described by Doan Ky Thuy et al, (1976) as follows: (1). Bauxite and allite ore seam, 20 m thick. (2). Brown-grey, yellow-brown weathering clayey shale, limestone, black-grey chert interbedded with siltstone, 4-5 m thick. (3). Black-grey, thin- to medium-bedded clayey limestone containing lenses or nests of chert, 38-40 m thick; containing in abundance Nankinella inflata, Reichelina sp. (4). Light-grey, variegated, thick-bedded to massive limestone, 16-20 m thick; containing Neoendothyra dongdangensis, Palaeofusulina sp.s Reichelina sp., Pachyphloia sp. (5). Mainly of greenish-grey, brittle cherty-clayey shale, 28-30 m thick

The second type of section are characterized by dark grey, thin- to medium-bedded limestone, calcareous clayey chert containing a Nankinella-Staffella Assemblage. In these areas, the lower part of the formation may begin by a bauxite seam (Nhi Tao section) or without a bauxite seam (Lung Cam section), but the following consists of clayey and siliceous shale, and sometimes clayey coaly shale is met with, and in a especial case a thin seam of coal is observed. The upper part of the formation is homogenous in all its distribution areas and consists of limestone, cherty, marly limestone only.

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Unconformable on the karstic surface to underlying Da Mai Fm (= Bac Son Fm). This boundary is marked by the change in lithology, between the light grey, thick-bedded limestone and the black-grey terrigcnous-chcrty or black-grcy carbonaceous shale and marl beds.

Upper contact

Unconformable boundary to the overlying Lower Triassic Lang Son Fm, Song Hien Fm and Hong Ngai Fm occurs clearly in many places. Eastward from the Lang Son Cement factory it is marked by the lithology change between the Permian limestone and the Lower Triassic sandstone while in the Hong Ngai Section - between the Permian limestone, cherty limestone and Lower Triassic marl. In the Lung Cam and Lung Pu areas, this boundary has been recognized by the fossil assemblages

Regional extent

The Dong Dang Formation occurs largely in North Bac Bo in the Dong Van, Dong Mu and Bac Son limestone massifs.




The Dong Dang Formation contains abundant foraminifera, corals, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, ammonoids, trilobites and bryozoans. It was dated mainly on the basis of foraminifera belonging to the genera Reichelina, Codonofusiella, Colaniella and especially, Paiaeofusulina. In the Lang Nac section Palaeojusulina was found by Deprat J. (1913) for the first time in black-grcy limestone lying at the base of the formation.


If the beginning of the deposition of the Dong Dang Formation in different localities of North Viet Nam is supposedly nearly synchronous, the fossils and stratigraphic relationship imply the Dong Dang Formation corresponds to the Changhsingian stage of the Upper Permian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Following bauxite onto a karstic surface, the main Dong Dang Fm was deposited in a marine environment, at a transgressive time corresponding to the Changhsingian

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Tran Van Tri and Vu Khuc (Editors; Geology and Earth Resources of Viet Nam, General Dept. of Geology and Minerals of Viet Nam; completed in Dec., 2011), with additional details from Tong-Dzuy Thanh and Vu Khuc (Editors; Stratigraphic Units of Viet Nam, 2nd edition; 2011; English edited by A. Boucot).